If you want to book voice over jobs, you need more than just a pretty voice. Way more. Acting chops. Good timing. Articulation (but not too much). And an understanding of the voiceover script. This tells the writer or producer that you GET IT. How exactly will they “hear” that you “get” the script? You tell them in each and every sentence by...
Voiceover ACTING Part 2
It’s called Voice Acting for a reason, so to continue writing about the best voiceover techniques, I’ll continue writing about the craft of acting. I’m still so chock full of Uta Hagen brilliance, so it’s gonna be Uta Uta Uta for at least this blog article and maybe a few more. I promise you won’t bore of her and her insight into acting. Insight into...
Delivering your Voiceover List
Reading voice over scripts takes a lot more than sounding professional. Actually, if you’ve read any of the previous blogs here you would already be in the camp that believes sounding professional is NOT at all the direction to head in. But that’s another blog for another day. We’re here today to talk about lists. You see them all the time in commercial...
“Do i have a shot in Voiceovers?”
The most misguided question in voiceovers has got to be a combination of timing and naiveté. It is the one that comes before any training at all has ensued: “Do I have what it takes?” Granted, when most people think about the voice over industry they naturally assume the talent, the skill, the “everything it takes to make it” is all in the actual existing...
So you want to voice cartoon characters in animation?
It’s rare that a prospective voiceover student calls me saying, “I want to use my regular old speaking voice in commercials….can i can i?” It’s not a crazy request, but when we are talking hopes and dreams here, most people want to use the craziest and most repressed parts of their personalities and channel it through a cartoon character in some sort of...
Hi! I'm Lesley Bailey. I’m an award-winning Casting Director, Voiceover Coach, Demo Producer, and Consultant with over 30 years "in the trenches". I love helping voice actors bring scripts to life with authenticity and confidence.
Ready to jumpstart your voiceover career?