It’s been a long time since I’ve written on the subject of voiceover technique. If you feel like skipping this moment while I muse on how I came to write this particular set of voiceover tips, you can go to the next paragraph and you’re forgiven. What has happened to me over the years of voiceover coaching is that I have learned so much more...
More Mastery of Keywords for Voiceover Success
If you want to book voice over jobs, you need more than just a pretty voice. Way more. Acting chops. Good timing. Articulation (but not too much). And an understanding of the voiceover script. This tells the writer or producer that you GET IT. How exactly will they “hear” that you “get” the script? You tell them in each and every sentence by...
Voiceover Keyword Strategy – Finding the “Payoff”
I will gladly repeat this Voiceover Strategy concept till blue in the face – if you don’t understand what you’re saying on the deepest level (as deep as commercial copy can or will go!) then you are just READING. Remember when you wrote essays in school? Every time you put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard you had a point to make. You never wrote a...
Hi! I'm Lesley Bailey. I’m an award-winning Casting Director, Voiceover Coach, Demo Producer, and Consultant with over 30 years "in the trenches". I love helping voice actors bring scripts to life with authenticity and confidence.
Ready to jumpstart your voiceover career?