I’d like to discuss the three biggest myths in voiceover, because they really distract from the main focus of a truly successful performance. Before that, I’d like to explain where these myths ALL came from. Understanding this will instantly help you understand why they are no longer relevant. Much of where voice acting began was in tv and radio...
More Mastery of Keywords for Voiceover Success
If you want to book voice over jobs, you need more than just a pretty voice. Way more. Acting chops. Good timing. Articulation (but not too much). And an understanding of the voiceover script. This tells the writer or producer that you GET IT. How exactly will they “hear” that you “get” the script? You tell them in each and every sentence by...

Voiceover Podcast this Thursday: How to book VO jobs
Come join me this Thursday with Lisa Erhard on Talk Box Radio and learn all about getting in the mind of the copywriter to book voice over jobs: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/talkboxradio/2015/12/10/all-about-voice-acting-with-special-guest-lesley-bailey
Voiceover ACTING Part 2
It’s called Voice Acting for a reason, so to continue writing about the best voiceover techniques, I’ll continue writing about the craft of acting. I’m still so chock full of Uta Hagen brilliance, so it’s gonna be Uta Uta Uta for at least this blog article and maybe a few more. I promise you won’t bore of her and her insight into acting. Insight into...
Where to find Voiceover Auditions & more
You want to know where to find voiceover auditions, yes? From whatever small town you are in? In Portland, OR, and other smaller cities, my voice over students don’t have the benefit of a live casting community. My newest voiceover students don’t even know what that means. If you are brand new to the voiceover audition business and you’re wondering how...
Hi! I'm Lesley Bailey. I’m an award-winning Casting Director, Voiceover Coach, Demo Producer, and Consultant with over 30 years "in the trenches". I love helping voice actors bring scripts to life with authenticity and confidence.
Ready to jumpstart your voiceover career?