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Script Analysis in Voice Acting – Own the Script

by | Dec 31, 2021 | 0 comments

You MUST OWN your voice-over script. Here’s how to do it:
Here’s how it commonly plays out when beginner voice actors approach the idea of script analysis:They read the script in their head. Once, maybe twice if they really wanna read between the lines. I then ask them to tell me what it’s about. Here’s where things go wrong. Their choice of pronouns. Let’s use an actual script to illustrate how it goes wrong and how it can go right…

Subaru-I love faster. As in I’m faster than you and there’s nothing you can do about it. I love that around every hard corner is another adrenaline rush. That’s why I love the new 2014 Subaru WRX. So, if you want to feel what it’s like to cross the finish line first…step inside the cage. The 2014 Subaru WRX. It’s a whole new animal. 

Ok, so here’s an example of what they say to me when i ask them to tell me about the script.“They’re saying that the Subaru is fast and it’s a rush and you should get one.”Let’s start with the main point here. Pronoun usage. The opportunity any actor has, actually MUST engage in, is ownership of the script.  The main way to do that?  Remember that YOU are saying these words. Period. So let’s correct the response now. “I love speed, and that’s why i love the Subaru. And if you love speed too it’s the car for you.” Which perspective has PRIMED you better for the performance?  

So, never detach from the script by even acknowledging that it was written by someone else. Understand it as if it’s your own idea, and utilize the proper pronoun to further indoctrinate yourself. Acting is brainwashing!  So, wash your brains well before every performance. 

Lesley Bailey - Voiceover Coach & ConsultantHi! I’m Lesley Bailey. I’m an award-winning Casting Director, Voiceover Coach, Demo Producer, and Consultant with over 30 years “in the trenches”. I love helping voice actors bring scripts to life with authenticity and confidence.
Ready to jumpstart your voiceover career?

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What you’ll learn:

  • How to avoid the top 10 mistakes new actors make when getting started
  • How to get into the writer’s mind and book voiceover jobs
  • How to WOW (not repel) Casting Directors
  • What to avoid during Auditions
  • The counter-intuitive “Secret” to voiceovers
  • … and more! 

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