FREE “Voiceover Success Mini Course” By Email

What you’ll learn:

  • The top 10 mistakes new actors make when getting started
  • How to get into the writer’s mind and book voiceover jobs
  • The counter-intuitive “Secret” to voiceovers
    … and more! 

The Voiceover Demo – guest blog by Jason Zane

So you've been working with a voice coach for a few months now, developing your ability. The time has finally come to record a voice over demo.When I first thought of a demo, I imagined an elaborate 10 minute recording showcasing all of my various voices, accents, and abilities. But the days of reel-to-reel audio tape recorders are gone, and with them the...

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Perseverance in Voiceover

"It's always darkest before the dawn."  I'd like to take a break this week from what has become our usual format of discussing equipment and construction to talk about perseverance.It's easy to get discouraged when undertaking a new project. This can apply to something as simple as hobby, or as complex as starting a career in Voice work.The key is to...

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Voiceover Home Studio Part 4

In a previous post, we covered ways of soundproofing your studio to protect it from external noises. But what about noise being generated inside your recording space? After I had successfully set up my own home recording studio and began practicing with my equipment, I was surprised to find that there was a persistent hum in the background of all my vocal...

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Voiceover Home Studio Part 3

Now that we have a quiet place to record, it's time to talk about equipment. Think of your recording equipment as having three primary pieces: an ear (microphone), a mouth (monitor), and a brain (computer). For all of the equipment we're about to discuss I'll offer 3 price levels: low, middle, and high. There are many options, and a wide price range, when...

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Voiceover Home Studio Part 2

When you think about soundproofing there are two factors to consider: exterior sound, and interior sound. First and foremost, whenever possible you want to put as much padding and distance between you and the outside world. I'm going to be covering a fair amount of materials in this post, so rather than wreck the flow, I'm going to post all the links at...

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FREE “Voiceover Success Mini Course” By Email

What you’ll learn:

  • The top 10 mistakes new actors make when getting started
  • How to get into the writer’s mind and book voiceover jobs
  • The counter-intuitive “Secret” to voiceovers
    … and more! 

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