FREE “Voiceover Success Mini Course” By Email

What you’ll learn:

  • The top 10 mistakes new actors make when getting started
  • How to get into the writer’s mind and book voiceover jobs
  • The counter-intuitive “Secret” to voiceovers
    … and more! 

So you want to voice cartoon characters in animation?

It’s rare that a prospective voiceover student calls me saying, “I want to use my regular old speaking voice in commercials….can i can i?” It’s not a crazy request, but when we are talking hopes and dreams here, most people want to use the craziest and most repressed parts of their personalities and channel it through a cartoon character in some sort of...

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Voiceover Keyword Strategy – Finding the “Payoff”

I will gladly repeat this Voiceover Strategy concept till blue in the face – if you don’t understand what you’re saying on the deepest level (as deep as commercial copy can or will go!) then you are just READING. Remember when you wrote essays in school? Every time you put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard you had a point to make. You never wrote a...

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Voiceover Demo for the Beginner Voice Actor

I was reading an article on demo planning for the beginner voice actor, and I thought I would share it here along with some of my own thoughts on the demo process. For more tips you can go to the archives right here in the voiceover blog under how to make a great demo. Your voice over demo or demos can be a very expensive but also very fruitful project....

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A Powerful Voice for Voiceover

I recently had the pleasure of watching the talented voiceover actress (among other things) Annie Meisels at work in her next venture . . .public speaking. Annie has been a talented actress for decades and during my busiest times as a casting director for voice over auditions she was on my call sheet for many projects. Her broad range and spot on...

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Basic Method Acting to apply to Voiceover Technique

Voiceover technique with regards to method acting might sound foreign to some, but trained actors reading about Method Acting will be more than familiar with the basics of Lee Strasberg’s technique. They might even know that this technique was developed from an original concept by Konstantin Stanislavsky which was called the “System.” For those of you...

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FREE “Voiceover Success Mini Course” By Email

What you’ll learn:

  • The top 10 mistakes new actors make when getting started
  • How to get into the writer’s mind and book voiceover jobs
  • The counter-intuitive “Secret” to voiceovers
    … and more! 

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