FREE “Voiceover Success Mini Course” By Email

What you’ll learn:

  • The top 10 mistakes new actors make when getting started
  • How to get into the writer’s mind and book voiceover jobs
  • The counter-intuitive “Secret” to voiceovers
    … and more! 

Voiceover Top Ten “Outside the Box” Tips

Sounding conversational in a voiceover script is all the rage, and i'll give you those top ten voiceover tips in a sec.   The natural style of "announcing" has been popular for a while now. This is either a smart and sensible idea or simply the backlash to all bad trends, the “announcery” and “phony” style in this case being the bad “trend.” It amazes me...

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How to sound Real on your Reel

There are many ways to sound real on your voiceover demo, but the most important thing is knowing yourself. People usually make one of two mistakes when preparing material for the demo. The first is trying to be a jack of all trades and having every single spot be insanely different in terms of personality. An example would be a mid-twenty-something female...

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More Voiceover Techniques from some of MY gurus

Voiceover Gurus has been misunderstood as a name since the beginning. The lesson here is that we should never assume, and there is always more to a story here. When naming the company, the intention was to imply that everyone can be their OWN guru, their own teacher… way of - a teacher. You know what they say, I open the door, but you must be the one...

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Delivering your Voiceover List

Reading voice over scripts takes a lot more than sounding professional. Actually, if you’ve read any of the previous blogs here you would already be in the camp that believes sounding professional is NOT at all the direction to head in. But that’s another blog for another day. We’re here today to talk about lists. You see them all the time in commercial...

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“Do i have a shot in Voiceovers?”

The most misguided question in voiceovers has got to be a combination of timing and naiveté. It is the one that comes before any training at all has ensued: “Do I have what it takes?” Granted, when most people think about the voice  over industry they naturally assume the talent, the skill, the “everything it takes to make it” is all in the actual existing...

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FREE “Voiceover Success Mini Course” By Email

What you’ll learn:

  • The top 10 mistakes new actors make when getting started
  • How to get into the writer’s mind and book voiceover jobs
  • The counter-intuitive “Secret” to voiceovers
    … and more! 

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